My, what a week we've had! Started Monday night right after supper, with Hannah and Shawn feeling "sick". Boy, were they ever! And at the same time I might add. Right before they were sick Zach was, although his was due to severe foot pain and the ongoing crying that goes with his flat feet problem and therefore became sick. Well, I learned a valuable lesson in watch what you say! I laughed and said "Pretty good, both of you sick at the same time. Hope I don't get sick while you two are!", I was really just kidding.
Well, 1:07 A.M. I jumped up out of the bed and run to the bathroom. Shawn says "Where are you going?" and I say "SICK!" However, lucky me....not only vomits but scoots as well at same time :0 :( YUCK... Shawn wondered what kind of bug this was that got 3 of us in hours, food poisoning?? bad water??
Well, as the story goes,, Hannah missed school on Tuesday, Zach not sick at all. Hannah and I crashed in my bed with the little boys all morning. I was so thankful they both took a nap while us girls were in misery but of course that couldn't last long. Josh woke up around noon wanting, of all things, peanut butter! I said "No way can I smell PB right now." My sister happened to call at the same time to see how we were and I told her what he wanted. She called Dad and asked him to take food up to Josh. He was a life savior and brought up frozen PB&J sandwiches and mac & cheese(only food Josh eats!). Then he even took Josh home with him out of the sick house.
I should add that Shawn was up vomiting all night, and still got up at 4 something to go to work. So he suffered at work all day. Well, at 3 P.M. Noah starts vomiting. Now we are down 4. Then when Josh got home....yep, by 9 he was vomiting. How can this be?? So to shorten this post, Zach didn't get sick, but my neice and sister-in-law also had the flu Tues night(Zach rode home from school with them Tues afternoon.) Felt better on Wed. so decided to go ahead and have Thanksgiving here instead of Dad's like the back up plan was. Good thing... Dad was sick by early Wed A.M.!!!!
I hope this hasn't happened to any of you! But decided to post this as a "memory" so down the line we can say "Oh yeah, I remember when all 5 of us were sick at the same time. Lucky Zach!"(Although he had it 2 wks early and it skipped us).