We received winter earlier than normal here. Actually, the snow arrived on the last day of fall. We have between 4 1/2" and 5", just the right amount to play in, but still be able to get around in. Well, sorta. If you don't consider our driveway. Shawn had fun going up it sideways, and Sunday morning on our way to meeting, I didn't have fun going down sideways! That big old oat tree was way to close for my comfort!
We enjoyed sledding with the neighbors on Sunday afternoon. Noah had a great time, with Hannah and Julia escorting him up and down the hill. This was the first year Josh was able to take his own sled up and ride down all by himself! How fast my little man is growing. Zach built a nice fort, where he and Daniel had snowball fights.
Everyone is healthy, for now! Noah's burn healed up so nicely, just white lines on his foot now where the blisters were.
We do have a new inside pet!
School is working out nicely, teacher is kinda rough on them, not giving them 2 full weeks off like the public school kids have. They also won't be having snow days here, or rarely if they do! They do have the benefit of staying home, and only working in the morning. Fair trade I think!
We had our winter celebration with the children on Sunday, and we exchanged gifts and made and decorated sugar cookies, in between playing in the snow. Here is a really cute picture of Penny, she enjoyed playing with the wrapping paper!
Well, I plan to rearrange some closets today, and the hours are slipping away. Happy Holidays to you all, and may the next year bring us closer to our Heavenly Father.