Shawn had an accident at work on Monday, February 21, 2011, that left him with sore head bones, a black, purple, and yellow eye, and a painful back. He was doing a sprinkler inspection for work, and while standing on a ladder, he was attempting access to an attic. The door latch was broken which he was unaware of, and when he reached to open it, it fell down across his eye. The knob hit him right under the brow, and he said everything sorta got black. He didn't think much of it and was going to continue to the attic, when he said he felt some wet stuff on his head. He looked at his shirt and found it covered with blood and when he touched his head, his hand of course got covered too. Luckily his supervisor was on site with him to help him run the panels while Shawn did the leg work of the inspection. He went to the panel and asked Rick if it looked bad. The comment, "WHAT did you DO?" made Shawn realize it must be worse than just a scratch like he thought. Off to the hospital they go, and then Shawn calls me. I asked how his Monday was going, and he said, "Well,,, let me tell you how my Monday is going, I'm sitting in the ER waiting for some stitches." NOT what I was expecting to hear, I am glad it wasn't worse however, and glad he was able to stay on the ladder and not get knocked off. One of us with back surgery is enough I think! His back is sore but we think it was from the way he was knocked by the 10 lb steel door that hit him. I have been taking pictures, later I'll pick out a good one and post it!