Happy Birthday to our baby! Unfortunately, Mommy wasn't at home for his birthday, she was away for a "Hotel" stay, at least according to Shawn. I could order meals anytime I wanted from 7:30 to 6:30, however, even having someone cooking for me with a phone call from me, still didn't make it any easier as I was lying there on the bed, knowing my family was at home without me. :(
Back to Noah, I won't compare him to a bad weed, but he sure is growing fast. He is learning his letters and how to count while I school Josh. We can see pretty clearly he has a personality a lot like his dad, poor thing. But then again, I did marry his dad, so that proves the good is far easier to see than the occasional temper. :) I love both my easy temper honeys. We ended up having cake and ice cream for him on Sat. the 5th, a day late, but I am very thankful to still be here to see it. After I was released from my hotel stay, Shawn took me to my cleaning job that I missed on Thursday night, then to the grocery store to buy cake mix, home and rush to bake the cake and decorate it before the party @ 7 p.m. I will post more pictures when I upload the pictures, and make a post regarding that marvelous,(NOT!) hotel stay.