We've been keeping up with our studies, and between that, work, and "farm things", I haven't taken much time to post. Looking forward to some future plans, hoping for a lifestyle change for Shawn, the kids, and myself. More on our exciting adventure when we know more "for sure" data!
I get the privilege of having Thanksgiving here again this year. Looking forward to time with my mom's side of our family. We enjoyed Saturday evening, 11-19, at Shawn's mom's house. Had a great time looking through her old photo albums of when "the boys"(Shawn and Shane) were growing up. "Mom" always does so much for us every year, I am blessed to have such a wonderful mother-in-law.
Today, I helped Hannah lose 2 of her baby teeth. She looks a little funny with 2 teeth missing from the bottom. She has around 7 left to loose before she gets braces. Josh had a series of dental work done last week, the rest to be done this week. He had a serious amount of decay that occurred from just 6 months ago. He had 4 teeth filled last week, 4 more this week. Not sure what caused this issue, he does brush his teeth, I wonder if it is a combination of soft teeth and our well water.
We spent2 weekends ago at Dad's, gathering stuff for an auction. It was a very fun day playing remember this?! My dad, both sisters, one brother(and his daughter) , Shawn, the kids and I spent roughly 15 hours gathering treasures!
We had our annual weiner roast a few weeks ago. Wonderful to spend time with true friends, that share in our fellowship. Glad for the same faith that unites us and binds us together. Many had to miss this year due to a funeral. Thoughts of sympathy to Lindsey.
I also finished the goat project Shawn helped me start. We added a lean to addition on to the old swing set we had for the goats to climb on, and put tin over it for additional shelter. Zach and I spent a day taking down our electric wire fence and put up more fence posts to make the pasture bigger. Shawn helped rewire and finish putting up the fence posts I didn't get to.
So, that's a summary of what we have been up to for the past month. Doesn't seem possible there is only 5 weeks left in this year. Happy Thanksgiving to all!