Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My overnight stay in hospital= baby boy???!!!

Shawn took me to the ER on Sunday afternoon. I woke up with chest pain and my hands and fingers were numb and tingling. After baby aspirin easing the pressure and then came back 5 hours later, Shawn decided I needed to be checked out. I was also dizzy, then light headed, then nauseous. In ER they decided I needed to spend night for stress test in the morning. That night before bed, Noah told the other boys,"Moms in the hospital, she's probably having a baby, maybe its going to be a baby boy. Its names going to be Banana Apple!" So, boy,  I don't know where he came up with that one! The next evening I was released and when I got home the kids couldn't wait to tell me what Noah thought. I asked him why I went in the hospital he said because you got shocked. I asked if he thought I was having a baby he said, "Yep,  a baby boy and you named him Banana."  Funny, funny Noah! The shock thing he was talking about.., In June last year I was sitting on the damp ground repairing our electric fence. Noah saw it unplugged(wonder why!!) and he knows we keep it plugged in to keep the goats in the fence. So being ever so helpful, he plugged it in. You can probably figure out what happened next. There I sit on the ground with wire in each hand getting ready to tie it back together, next thing I know I'm pushed backward away from fence with a serious jolt. Actually caused me to stop breathing. Very scary!! I had previously been having racing heart issues, after that it has only happened a few times! So, little helper Noah turned into Dr. Noah and stopped and reversed the pattern of my heart(At least that is what the nurses doing my stress test said when they did the EKG during the stress test!). The final diagnoses of my stay, muscular skeletal from pushing the snow off our driveway on Friday with a push broom. That never even crossed my mind on our way in or I never would have went! Didn't realize that would cause the numb hands and other symptoms I had. Oh well, least we know I have no clogged arteries!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Goodbye Grandma

At last birthday party we had for her in September, 2012

Little blurry, but still Grandma with her children and their spouses.

Grandchildren, with 3 missing

Great grandchildren

Grandma wondering why Uncle Terry is perched on her lap! :)
Grandma and us 3 sisters

Best buddies, just like their mothers were when we were growing up!

Brand new cousin friends, Chloe and Noah

More great grandchildren, from 4 grandchildren
My mom's mom, 88, passed away on Sunday, Jan 13, 2013 after a short battle with her recurring colon cancer. She was put into hospice house on Thursday night,1-10-13, and rapidly went downhill from there. I'm thankful my husband, children, myself, and my sister, Diana, was able to be with her during her last minutes, sorry, Angie, I know you would have been there if you could have.I'll post for memories sake, although I'm not proud of it, but anyway, when we first stepped into Grandma's room on Sunday, I went to her side and held her arm and asked, "How are you Grandma?" Less than 20 minutes later she passed away, I wonder what I was thinking! Habit I guess, anyway, her funeral was today and it was hard, natural side of life tends to want to hold on, but she wouldn't have wanted to continue on bed fast as she was, and we wouldn't want her to. A very positive thing came out of it, my aunt and cousin that haven't spoken in years reconciled today, VERY wonderful to see after probably more than 10 years apart. We had her calling hours yesterday, stayed at funeral home from 1 until after 8(with food for family in between), then after the funeral today, my uncle and aunt took Grandma's children and grandchildren, great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild to a local pizza place for family time. That was very special, I think we had 44 there. So, thank you to Uncle Billy and Aunt Marilyn for our outing. Thank you to Uncle Harold and Aunt Marvis, and our meeting for their care and donation, and to Malcom and Brenda for taking time today to come to the funeral, even after a long journey the day before! Thank you to all for your care and thoughts.