Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy 11 Month Birthday, Noah!

Today Noah is 11 months old. Hard to think! He has been pretty sick this last week with a cold that all 3 boys have, and I've been debating taking him to the doctor. Last night he hardly slept for all the tossing he did. Shawn thought I should make an appt just to make sure, and I was ready to take him in. Glad I did! Poor little baby has the upper respitory infection that is going around, and that caused an ear infection. This is the first one he has had, we almost made it 1 year!
Still winter around here. The snow has started to melt with temp in the 40's. Yesterday, it was suppose to snow 1 to 3 inches, but we had a tiny dusting when we woke up and had clear blue skies all day! Then this morning it started snowing around 7:30, and we got another inch. The roads had a sheet of black ice on them, and I couldn't believe that just 5 miles down the road, they had no snow at all!
We have been studying in Isaiah for Wed. night meeting. I thought I'd share a thought from a letter Becky shared from a worker speaking on the 5th chapter at a convention.(Not sure how old this is but from several years or more ago,) This chapter deals with the vineyard and how everything was perfect and the vines still brought forth wild grapes. He asks what more could have been done? The reason vines bring forth wild grapes is due to a lack of pruning. This worker said there is one thing in the picture you have to look out for: that the wild root has a tendency to put out little suckers that will take you over again, just like our human nature. It just puts out a little, innocent looking sucker to start with, but unless you nip it in the bud, it soon becomes a branch. I was thankful for this reminder again, little things do matter, and they can add up. Its harder to take off a branch, than the start of a new vine. I want to be aware of the standard God sets before us and keep myself in line with that, and not try to change God's way to fit me,(like I have a tendancy to do), but fit me into God's plan.
Well, I best get back at rearranging. We are getting ready to switch the children's rooms around, and that is turning into a load of work. It sure will be worth it though! Good day to you all.


Megan said...

Wow....he's so big and I have yet to hold him! :0( Maybe we will actually get to see you soon, though! Our kids are mailing yours a sticker chain it from their cousins. It looks cute. Hope Noah gets well quickly.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Baby Brother! You are so big now, but I still love spoiling you and carrying you around!Love, H