Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Been awhile

As the rain falls outside, I remembered it has been awhile since I have posted to my blog. Sorry for the delay, things are a bit busier here than normal. Both of my sisters had the exact same surgery done a couple of weeks ago, I am trying to help them, doing 2 cleaning jobs for my one sister. I was very surprised how little assistance they needed, both are doing more than they should!
My dad is also scheduled for surgery the first of April for a heart procedure.
It sounds like it can be quite risky, learning again to leave all in the Masters hands.
The weather has turned spring like lately(had several sunny 80 degree days!), we've taken the children on a few walking adventures, one on a trail that leads to a huge wooden playground, and a few times on a fitness trail. So good to be out burning extra energy off of 3-ready for summer children!
Also had the strange experience of watching our vehicle getting backed into! Strange in the way I heard it happen, was standing outside near it and watched it, and I still was like, Did that just happen?... A shorter fellow with a handicap was dropping his nephew off and didn't see my truck setting there.( I think because he could barely see over the seats!) Good news was he did have insurance and they are paying to have my front bumper replaced.
Children are healthy (now anyways!), Shawn is extra busy at work, and I enjoyed hanging laundry out to dry a couple days ago. I think that brings you up to speed, will try to take time to post sooner, next time.
Signing off!

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