Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Garden planted

Josh, Noah, and I planted the garden this afternoon. We put in sunflowers, sweet corn, silver corn, lima beans, cabbage, lettuce, 2 varities of onions, cantaloupe, watermelon, and carrots. I am waiting a bit for the pepper plants and tomato plants. We had frost on Mon. and Tues. A.M., but none this morning, it was 40. Today it reached 81 and sunny, a beautiful day. I also finished putting the insulators on the T posts. Getting closer to electric fence!
Kitten update: Minnie is venturing outside and leaving the kittens a lot longer. She was meowing a lot today, so I let her out and she joined the boys and I in the garden. :-) I noticed tonight when I was by their box that several are sneezing. Hope this is normal, as I haven't really watched kittens this close. Ours growing up were barn cats, and normally pretty wild. The cat we had when we first married, Salem, that had kittens, had them in the insulation under the trailer we had at the time.
We went to school tonight for success night. This is a new thing the school put on to show what the kids have done throughout the year. Hard to imagine only one more year for Hannah and then she is off to the "big" school. We learned tonight our favorite teacher is retiring this year. I was hoping Zachariah could get her next year, 3rd grade, but I'll keep praying God will give both of them the teacher that is best for them. It is getting harder each night to get the little ones in bed. They are so ready for summer break (5 days left!), and so is Mom! I love having them here at home with me all day. Even on the full moon days and its crazier than an unorganized zoo, how wonderful I feel to be blessed with these children, and how undeserving to have a husband devoted to me, and little arms to wrap around my neck.


Falb Five said...

Life is just wonderful with all of the blessings that we have!!!

Anonymous said...

Great to catch up abit! Sounds like you are busy as ever, but glad you still find moments of blessings :) Your children have a wonderful privilege of learning about "country life"! Keep up the good work! Aunt Dorth