Happy Birthday, Hannah! Wow, today you are 10! In the double digits! We are so proud of you and want you to know how special you are to us, our only girl. Daddy's little girl would be a good way to describe you. You have such a soft heart, and we are so thankful you have the desire to serve God at such a young age. I know it isn't easy for you at school, being different than the other children, but always remember God sees and knows the trials and temptations. If you ask for His help, He will give it.
I remember when I was pregnant for you and anxiously awaited your arrival, our first. Your due date was July 18th, which was your Great-Grandpa's birthday, and our cousin, Becky's too. However, Mommy was under a lot of stress at work, and went into pre-term labor at 30 wks. The doctors were able to hold you off for 6 more weeks by putting Mommy on complete bed rest. Grandma took care of me while Daddy worked. You came into this world 6 lbs, 12oz. and was 19.25" long. Impressive for being 4 wks early.You just qualified being called premature, as 36 wks or earlier is considered premature. You stayed in the special care nursery for 6 days, with breathing problems and jaundice. In fact you ended up on a wallabe light at home for 2 wks. We called you our glow worm. At your first convention, I carried you around in my sweatshirt, and no one even knew you were there. You weighed a mere 11 lbs then, at 8 wks of age. Oh how scrawny you were for quite some time. Still are, except much taller now. Please don't feel bad how tall you are, God made you this way and we love you for you! Even if you grow up taller than me! Thank you for all the help you give me, and for watching after your little brothers when Mommy or Daddy has to do a quick chore with the animals or yard or laundry. You are so special and we love you so much!