Monday, June 15, 2009

Babies are here!

We now have our newest animal babies! We picked them up on Friday evening, they rode home on Hannah's and my lap! They just turned 2 wks old today, and they are 2 baby boy goats. We got them from our vet, Erica, for free to help settle Tinkerbell down. (Beauty doesn't want her around because of her colt and Tinkerbell is rather upset about that.) Ryan & Vanessa are getting 2 older ones this week also.

We are bottle feeding to help tame them and get them use to us. The brown one, CoCo, had a hard time getting the hang of the bottle, the white one, Snow, got the hang of it after 2 days. Tonight before we headed to the barn to stack hay, I tried once more to see if CoCo would take the bottle so Erica didn't have to come over, and he downed it, and half of another! The children are having a blast with so many babies here, kittens, colt, goats, human baby!

It is also hay season. Dad square baled on Saturday and after the graduation party (for a fellow my mother started babysitting when he was 11 mos old until she passed away), Shawn, Dad, Tad, and Spanky(Aaron) stacked while I mowed grass. Kids played at barn, and Noah helped me. Around 250 bales on Saturday.

Then on Sunday, Dad and Tad baled again. We don't like to do that on Sundays, but the weather was great and the hay was ready. Shawn and I, plus Dad, Tad, and Spanky(Aaron) put up Sundays hay, 480 bales. Tonight, Shawn, myself, and Spanky put up 341 bales. Tad and Dad helped in between baling and bringing wagon loads to the barn. Dad has a neat hay wagon that puts the hay in while baling, so no more picking bales up off the field and that saves a ton of work! They plan on more tomorrow and probably Thursday too, if the weather is nice.

I also had a yard sale on Saturday at my sister Angie's house. We had a great turn out, and I made $83. That's a lot of kid clothes. I had a quarter up to $2 on most of the clothes, also sold a baby walker($5), ride on toy($4), travel cradle($4), etc.

I tilled the garden today, and got a large rock stuck in the tines. Good ole Dad to the rescue! Took the tiller up to him and he removed the rock after a lot of pounding and finally removing the tines. Tomorrow Zach goes to the dentist to have his tooth taken out.

Here are a few pictures, please excuse my farmers tan! We are outside with the animals so much, that we all have good farmers tans going on!CoCo and Snow. Dora's turn with the stubborn one. Like the bib?Shawn's has the hang of it!Swinging with Snow.
Kittens in a small food dish.Don't want to forget this baby, he's the best out of all 9 babies living here now!

1 comment:

Falb Five said...

i just love reading all your farm's just wonderful that your children are able to experience this all!!!