Thursday, June 20, 2013

Boys will be boys, if you let them!

A few days of rain turned the pad into a nice muddy mess. Well, nice if you're boys. Not so much if you're the crew working in it. We were at the farm over the weekend and the boys ventured out onto the pad. All was well for a short while, until Noah slipped on some mud and somehow thought that Josh was the cause. So he picked up some mud to get Josh muddy as well, Josh retaliated and thus a mud fight was born. Zach didn't want to be left out so he joined in. My dad and Tad was certain I would be very upset with them. Somehow, it just didn't seem upsetting to me. Good thing for the boys I guess! Their clothes can be washed, and they weren't harming anything other than their clothes. I did make it clear I didn't want repeats of this situation, but every boy should experience a mud fight at least once in their life! Even grown men play in the mud, for example: construction workers, professional football players, and of course, farmers! There was a footer on the pad that was 4' square and roughly 24" deep. It filled up with mud, so I had the bright idea to let them "swim" in it. They had the time of their lives! Instead of getting angry, I considered the memories in the making for them. I want to remember how quickly they are growing up and be more concerned with their spiritual well being, which will profit them in their lives far more than how I, or others, think they should be behaving. I know that statement may not win very many favors toward me, but to please God more than anyone else is how I want to live my life.
Some of muddy water on pad.

More mud and water.

See construction men playing in mud, I mean, working!

The watering hole!

Explaining the mud, notice Noah.

Josh oh Josh!

Whatcha thinking, Noah. Can we do it again?

I think it was colder than they were expecting! At least, Zach's face says so!

Not so bad once your body temp drops!

This is so much fun, Dad and Mom. Thanks for not being angry with us.

Hey, wanna try swimming??!

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