Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April showers brings...Snow!

How strange to watch the snow flying into your windshield in April! That was our experience last night. Today we awake to a dusting of snow. It is a chilly, windy 30 degree day, with lots of gray clouds. Amazes me to think again of God's mighty power, like snow in one area, tornadoes in another, earthquakes somewhere else, and probably beautiful sunny weather somewhere! So thankful even in all this, God is in control and faithful.
In other news.., I had a first experience last week. I actually built fence for our mini horse, and goat! It was a beautiful day on Thursday, temp near 80, and sunny. The grass has gotten so green, I thought the animals would enjoy fresh pasture. Shawn has been so busy at work, working Sat. and one Sun. that I thought I'd help him out. Not exactly the location of his choice, but hey, I'm new at this! Thankfully it appears his weekend work is finished for awhile.
Dad has his heart surgery today, after a night in our local hospital for a sleep study. Hannah gave us a fright last week, with severe headaches leading to bad nose bleeds. Turns out to have been a virus going around school?? So glad spring break starts this week!
Good day to each!

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