Today was a beautiful day outside however. It was 75 degrees today! Super sunny, great day to work outside. At 7 this morning, my brother started working on taking down some trees in our woods with an excavator. We want to make more pasture for the horse and goat. Tried to burn the trees tonight that have been setting for a year, still too wet from all the rain these last few weeks. Rain is forecasted for the next 5 days too.
We are looking forward to special meeting visits this week. I always looked forward to spring time/special meeting time when I was young. Hope my little children will too! I loved it when the workers visited, still do. So encouraging to me to watch my little ones eyes light up when we tell them the workers are coming for supper and/or the night. Josh keeps asking if the workers are coming tonight?
Time to call it a night and get ready for meeting tomorrow. Good-night.
Poor, Poor little MAGGIE.I realy wish she could stay with us.I
miss her so much.
Sorry about your sweet little dog. She had quite the personality! Hug the kids for me.
Hi again from Wisconsin - I don't mind if you make a connection to our blog. I know the little ones like the tractor posts so try and put one on from time to time -- also video's - I've some little watchers here, too! Sorry to hear about your little dog. Know those can be hard times, too. Have good Special Mtgs. Also I was going to ask if you know Kevin & Robin L.? Robin's mom and my husband are cousins.
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