Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kids picture taken with a celebrity!!!!

What a busy, wonderful spring break we had. On Saturday, we took our children to the zoo. While observing the elephants, I overheard someone say, "Look, Jack Hanna!" I turned and right behind me there he was. He generously let me take his photo with the children. That was the highlight of break.

We also enjoyed several "little things" with them, like a trip to the pet store to puppy play, riding an escalator :) , city folk we aren't!, and so on. We did something little, something fun with them every day. Shawn even had Monday off, so that sweeten the break.

Dad's surgery went very well, with the problem area of his heart repaired. The Dr did the scheduled surgery, with a heart cath and immediate secondary, unplanned surgery following the scheduled one. Thankfully, that all turned out normal. What a long day it was though, in the hospital with 2 little ones for 9 hrs. Thankfully, both my sisters and brother helped me with them. They both did very well. At least I think they did. I guess I could be wrong, as I have been told in a round about way that I lack good parenting skills. Oh well, at least today I got commented on how well behaved my children are. We were in town, and someone told me how good they were. I even had an extra with me, making that 5 children. The ages- 13mos, 3, 5, 8, and 9.

On a sadder note, it appears we will have to have our little dog, Maggie, put to sleep. She has several abdominal tumors, and one started to grow on her eye. Now the entire eye is glazed with a heavy film, and a large red growth protruding. She couldn't use her front leg last Sunday, after several days she started using it again, but she stopped eating yesterday. After she refused chicken tonight, we know her days are numbered. We don't want to put her down, but don't want her to starve to death either.

On a different note, Noah is cutting his back teeth. The second one trying to come in has actually bruised his skin. It is extremely swollen, and I couldn't believe it when he opened his mouth wide, that the entire swelled area is deep purple. I figured we'd be in for a sleepless night last night, and we were. Today he has spent most of the day sleeping. I have never seen bruising while teething before. Has anyone else?

Well, sorry for the length of this post. Didn't mean to ramble.

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