Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good bye to Benji

Our outside dog, that started as an inside dog (couldn't get him potty trained), Benji, died yesterday, May 10th. We aren't sure what happened. He was fine yesterday, eating, and jumping up to be petted, and then while I was mowing grass in the morning, I noticed he didn't come out of the barn with Lucy. Thankfully, Shawn took Monday and Tuesday off for Josh's birthday, and he was home. I stopped the mower long enough to tell him something must be wrong with Benji, and when he looked, he said he was just about dead. He was right, within about 20 minutes, he died. He was still a young dog, he was born August 20th, 2006, so he was only 4 yrs and 9 mos. He died the same way the cocker spaniel, Fancy, that my mom had when I was young, died. I think it was heart issues for both. So, good bye Ben.

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