Friday, March 8, 2013

Our afternoon interruption


I was able to ease the door open on this one so a little better.

Little blurry taken through window so I didn't scare them.
We have regular visitors every afternoon that almost always interrupts school. Turkeys! On Wednesday we counted 60! Incredible watching these birds scratch and dig for any leftover kernel of corn they can find. We thought we had the difference figured out between toms and hens, but thanks to Carlton we found what we thought were the hens are this years hatching's! That was neat to find out. Seems as though we have several flocks that have come together, some days only 18-20 and some considerable more. They are about 50 feet or so from our schoolroom window, so I guess you can see why they'd be an interruption. Good one though, not everyone has wild turkeys in their backyard.

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