Monday, December 15, 2008

The Maxwell Petting Zoo!

As Shawn puts it, we are turning into farmers more every day! We added "Tinkerbell" to our animal collection yesterday. She is a 9 month old goat. We got her for company for Beauty and to help clean up the woods. Tinkerbell and I had an enjoyable ride home in the back of our suburban, not really but was quite an experience. She has a beautiful temperment, and loves us to be around her. She was bottle-fed so I suppose that has helped.

So we are thinking, all we need now is a nice little trailer and we can take our show on the road. We have the horse to ride, the goat to pet, and even a rabbit, Floppy, that the kids could hold! Wonder how much we could charge for admission? I would even make a deal for families, half off for 2nd child, free for any child born #3 or greater! Well anyway, here is our mini-zoo pictures.

While waiting for the pictures to upload, I was thinking I'll get a couple of ducklings in the spring, and I will train our border collie, Lucy,( the one in the picture) how to herd the ducks around, so we can also have a show to go along with the petting zoo!!

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