Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hard decision brings peace

Yesterday was a very sad day for our family. We had to let go of a dear friendship due to pressure from the husband. To put it plainly, we were I guess you could say, persecuted, for our faith. We became friends with the neighbors on Hannah's 10th birthday. Enjoyed many, many days with them. Then questions started about our faith and yesterday morning, the husband called and told me for an hour and a half about all the things we believe are wrong, and that we are a c---,(many consider this a bad word to say, so I'll insert dashes there, and put the rest here ult.) Hope you caught that. The stipulation was given for us to continue being friends, that we had to know that he knew our way is wrong. We know we are walking the right way, the planned way of God, but as humans, we also know we can fail. So, we felt if we continued to be friends, that we would be making the statement that our way is wrong. So thankful to know it isn't our way, its God's.
Today, I feel peace, knowing that even though Shawn and I have never had to face this or had to discard friendship, God sees and knows what truly is in each heart.
In light of a care update I read for Jess, what we are facing is nothing. She is facing death at 29, with 3 small girls. In the days ahead, I hope to learn the lesson of praying more for others in their needs, like I know many have been doing for us. Thank you for that.


Megan said...

Oh, Dora, that is so hard. :-( I'm sorry...maybe things will cool off after they see that you can stand behind your faith. It could be just what they need to see. I wonder why he feels so compelled to stand against it unless he feels a pull towards it...and Jessica...where did you see the care updates? That is very difficult. Things have been rough here,too...but nothing like that, so we are thankful too! Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks! I guess I should have emailed you instead of leaving a long comment!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dora,

Andy didn't tell me that he said that. I guess there's nothing I can do about it though. I'm not his mother, I can't control what he says or does :)


Memories To Keep said...

Thank you, Becky, for your comment. This has surely affected both of us, esp. our children. I know you can't control what he said, I just don't know what prompted all of the accusations and judgements against us. Anyway, have a good sunny day.

Memories To Keep said...

Hey Megan,
Great to hear from you! Lots of pressure and issues in life, but thankful we aren't facing separation from God, like we could have if we gave in to Andy's pressure. Sorry you guys are having troubles too. I will email you the update care page, you'll have to create an account(very easy), if that doesn't work, let me know and I can fax it to you. We too can't wait to come, and I enjoy any comment you leave, will you know what I mean! Dora

Anonymous said...

First let me say that I am extremely sorry for my words. I know that once a harsh word is spoken it cannot be taken back and that it can wound forever. I would ask for forgiveness, but there is nothing that I could do to ever deserve it, and I wouldn't know why you would ever want to. I acted out of anger over what the workers said on Saturday about me and many others I know and directed my anger towards you. Believe it or not, I and my family do love you and your family very much - which makes this whole thing so much worse for me as I said things that would contradict that plainly. I am deeply sorry that I have offended you and your family.

Jackie said...

My Dear One, Job had friends that didn't understand him nor his situation. We are thankful for his example of trusting God during the darkness and wasn't affected by those who spoke foolishly and without understanding. The best thing we can do for others is pray for them. It may not change the situation, but it can soften our heart to allow God to do a GREATER work. Jesus said, what you do to the least of my little ones, you do to me. What a wonderful previlege we have and it is God given. We Love you all very much.

farmermarvswife said...

haven't read your blog for a while so recent posts were updates for me...special to see video of your son playing his harmonica...
sorry to hear of other struggles...we heard at our S. Mtgs. that sometimes God allows us to go through hard experiences because he trust us....I like that thought...and we know we can turn to Him for anything...it sounds like you are doing that...
we have a young lady from Ohio working for us now...Erica W., she has a twin sister Jessica...maybe you know them? she recently finished school to be a Vet Tech...she says she has her dream job working for us....hope it stays that way. Having a great spring...a little dry...you can read more about us on my blog so won't add more here...hope your situation turns out the best way it can.

farmermarvswife said...

forgot to comment on the young lady with cancer...Erica was mentioning that last week...wonder how it is by now???didn't sound good