Saturday, January 22, 2011

VER:Y COLD and snow too!

At 1A.M. on Saturday, January 21, we had -3*. At 8:30 A.M. it was even colder, we had -9*! Talk about freezing your nose hairs together! Our horses had ice over their noses, at the corner of their eyes, and hanging off their mouths! We also have 5 or 6" snow. That arrived on Thursday, and then the winds moved in late Thursday night. I guess that is where this cold front came from. Dad and Tad dropped off hay for us this morning, and after Shawn and I stacked that, I had a productive day of sorting through the boys closet. I also got all my laundry caught up, I've probably washed about 20 or 30 loads of laundry in 3 days. Our dryer broke, and we were fortunate to have a spare that Shawn and Dad hooked up. We're in the washing business now! I still am having problems downloading the pictures from my new camera, so soon I hope to post pictures again. I know its boring just reading and not seeing any actions shots! Good night.

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