Sunday, September 4, 2011

School pictures

Waiting for Emily to get off the bus.Emily, my brother Tad's daughter. I get her off the bus and keep her for Tad while he is working. This little lady is like my second daughter, and my kids sister. I quit my job at the bank when we found out my mom had cancer, so I could keep my children, and help Mom. I took over babysitting for Emily when she was 10 months old. She is 8 now, and I think of her and the future struggles she is sure to face, with the events that are going on in her life right now. Children are truly the ones to suffer when things like this happen, very thankful she has a better chance than most, help that most don't depend on. Glad her Dad is taking steps in the right directions, steps we pray Emily will one day walk in.

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