Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Duck tape it!

Josh is so funny! I was checking news on the net while he (and Noah), was going through my desk drawers and he came across scotch tape. You could just see the wheels turning when he looked at me and said,"Can I duck tape something?Huh, can I?" I laughed at him and informed him he had scotch tape. That didn't seem to matter, he quickly replied, "Well, can I tape something???"
Kids are treasures, and I'm so thankful I have been blessed 4 times over. No matter how irrated I may get at 8 in the morning when we dash for the bus, or 2 in the afternoon while convincing Josh he does need a nap, or all day long chasing Noah saying NO!NO! or reminding Zach he is getting older now and it isn't so cute when he tries to be like Josh, or even giving Hannah's newest science fair project a bath and hoping for no pinches!(hermit crab), I am so very thankful that I do have these moments with them. I wouldn't give them up for anything, no time to myself could ever be as satisfying as the time with my little family. They are literally growing before my eyes, and I know it will happen before I'm ready, Shawn and I will be saying, "Remember when...".Oh, thats right, we already do. Sigh....

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